Very Successful – They are well known, well respected, their reputation proceeds them. Life is good; the fruits of success run long and taste amazing. They have become legendary, business comes to them and they have always been able to get the listing, just by showing up. Great success also breeds mediocrity. Being hungry is the key to continued success, so sometimes what you are getting is someone who once worked hard at being creative, but now skips a few steps in the process, and sometimes misses the obvious opportunities for their client. They are well connected, they are constantly being wooed by vendors, and sometimes relationships effect decisions more than diligence.
Average – Even average success pays well in our business. They worked hard to get where they are at, and they are happy. Happiness breeds contempt and a Realtor who is content will never go “above and beyond”. They spend a lot of time becoming your buddy, because that is how they attempt to keep their clients. Dinners, drinks, golfing, gifts, all mask the fact, you have someone who is trying not to get fired.
Newcomers – They don’t know enough to help the client. This is a complicated business; failure rate is high because a Realtor must know a lot about everything to be an effective consultant. You must be tough and intelligent, and often those characteristics don’t go together. Quitting is easier than what you must go through to make it, and many will move on to something else.
And then you have the–
Obsessed – This can be someone who has had tremendous success, or a newcomer. Real Estate is their life. Looking over a contract and analyzing the language, and how to interpret it to the client, is common place. They understand how things work. They understand that meeting the needs of the client, is more than marketing a home; it’s marketing yourself, your company, and what is has to offer. They know that their job is to do whatever it takes to satisfy the client. Seeing beyond the surface and doing what others won’t, makes them stand out from the crowd. They won’t do “anything” to get the client, but they do everything to keep one. Their passion, creativity, and attention to detail, is something that is given to every client, whether it’s getting them or keeping them. They know what to say when and are very seldom caught off guard. . It is almost as if, this is what they were meant to do.
I AM OBESESSED, is your Realtor???
Average – Even average success pays well in our business. They worked hard to get where they are at, and they are happy. Happiness breeds contempt and a Realtor who is content will never go “above and beyond”. They spend a lot of time becoming your buddy, because that is how they attempt to keep their clients. Dinners, drinks, golfing, gifts, all mask the fact, you have someone who is trying not to get fired.
Newcomers – They don’t know enough to help the client. This is a complicated business; failure rate is high because a Realtor must know a lot about everything to be an effective consultant. You must be tough and intelligent, and often those characteristics don’t go together. Quitting is easier than what you must go through to make it, and many will move on to something else.
And then you have the–
Obsessed – This can be someone who has had tremendous success, or a newcomer. Real Estate is their life. Looking over a contract and analyzing the language, and how to interpret it to the client, is common place. They understand how things work. They understand that meeting the needs of the client, is more than marketing a home; it’s marketing yourself, your company, and what is has to offer. They know that their job is to do whatever it takes to satisfy the client. Seeing beyond the surface and doing what others won’t, makes them stand out from the crowd. They won’t do “anything” to get the client, but they do everything to keep one. Their passion, creativity, and attention to detail, is something that is given to every client, whether it’s getting them or keeping them. They know what to say when and are very seldom caught off guard. . It is almost as if, this is what they were meant to do.
I AM OBESESSED, is your Realtor???
Talena M. Floyd
Chinowth & Cohen Realtors
"Make My Hometown, Your Hometown"
(918) 361-3404
Chinowth & Cohen Realtors
"Make My Hometown, Your Hometown"
(918) 361-3404
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